Back to Joy

Remember the kid in you, free to just be... enjoying following the butterflies or playing with the wind...

Joy... our natural state of being. Together, let’s go back to feeling free... starting with a simple heart talk.


Connect to understand where you stand, what’s holding you back, and paint your way back into clarity.

We so often want the answer, the recipe, the medicine…

In that seeking it, we forget to celebrate, as we think we are not capable of celebrating a self that is “not good enough”.

Let’s shake that misconception, as there is nothing you need to make yourself divine…

…You are already divine. You just need to remember it.

I want to walk that magical path with you, a path that is unique to you, and that can be scary to walk since the mind tends to create ghosts that can terrorize the celebrator in us.

From: Gloria Beléndez-Ramírez

The Happiness Ambassador, writer, creator, mother, wife, lover, dreamer, farmer, and completely out of my mind.


Dear friend,

It is my privilege, not my purpose, to share this truth with you. Remember your divinity, find inner peace.

April 2020

I manage to take one of the last planes from Dubai to Barcelona before the world went havoc and airports started closing.

I was to deliver a “The Language of a Happy Life” workshop at a renowned hotel in the capital of Cataluña when government members announced that no public gatherings were allowed.

Fear started slowly taking over the population...crawling inadvertently without asking for permission…

I could sense just how confused everybody was. My staff was deeply perturbed as they saw how many of their friends were losing their jobs. All of a sudden, tourism sunk to zero.

Some days later, it was announced that one of my favorite hotels had decided to send all the staff home with no salary, making the workers not be able to feed their children.


I was so upset that I felt the urge to scream and cry.

My heart was pounding very fast, as if wanting to leave my body, running away, telling me:

“Gloria!, please be careful. You are abusing me. Shift your thoughts to a different direction and let me breathe properly!”

All of a sudden, listening to the stern ‘words’ of my heart, the happiness ambassador in me took over; I flipped the thoughts that were making me so upset into words that could make me feel expanded:

“...a world that is fed, serene, dignified and very hugged. “

Yes, this vision makes me feel good.

This helped us immensely to stay in the expansive creative side while the collective consciousness, aided by the negative media, was acting as a thick cloud of uncertainty.

Sooner than later, peace came back to Villas Xichu, Celebrating Life, as our hearts melted more and more into one solid team. My staff and I became even more united, enjoying the joy of learning new things, doing new activities…


I started learning about Mayan cosmo-vision as well, getting in touch with other like-minded people, extremely connected to Source.

As a result now our 2,000 Square meter Orgasmic Orchard stands in its full magnitude, making me a peasant…a huge privilege, to work so closely with Mother Nature…

However, with the aid of the media, I could feel more and more people that were becoming afraid. Maybe even depressed. The word confusion was taking a huge toll on all of us.

How Can I Help?

Immersed in my daily sacred celebration of life with my staff and new friends and occupations, I was so eager to share the feeling of intense completeness and calm I was floating in.

I wanted to share my experience as well as learn from others. So I started this beautiful journey. It’s all about getting back to our natural state of being. It’s about creating your own dimension to live life to its fullest.

It’s about remembering that you are a miracle.

Are you ready to play?

An extraordinary life starts with celebration


Do you feel that you’re constantly waiting for occasions to celebrate?

In that waiting, life passes us by.

But think about it… what are we waiting for, really?

We don’t need occasions to celebrate. We just need to appreciate.

In appreciating, we allow space for life to flow through us, to allow the beauty of every moment to tap into the divinity that is in all of us, including you.

What does it mean to be divine?

Divinity is Nature itself. Everything and everyone is divine, because we’re all part of the same Divine Salad.

It’s now time to change the stuck-ness glasses for the clarity glasses.

Nothing needs to change. You just need to remember.

Who is this for?



If you and your partner are wanting to understand each other and re-spark that spontaneity which life so beautifully embraces, let’s play!

It’s a fun, enlightening, and therapeutic process which doesn’t entertain drama.

Instead, it entertains the aliveness of each of you and magnifies it to remember the magic of the relationship.



Life can be overwhelming. It can feel like a dead end, like a black hole.

We can feel alone, we can feel choked, we can feel lost or we can feel alive.

As easy as it sounds to say “the choice is yours”, there are times when seeing clearly seems like an absolute fantasy.

I want to remind you that there’s always a way out, and that is: going through.


Mother - Daughter

I’m a mother, I’m a daughter.

I’ve learned from both roles more than any book or sage could ever teach me in a never ending process.

It’s such a beyond words enriching relationship that I feel it’s my duty to share, by contagion, this cosmic truth with all of you mothers and mothers-to-be!

Fun, therapeutic, and life-changing

With listening and appreciation as the motors of my life, the Back To Joy process was born.


Thank You!